Angelic Energy Healing Centre.
Angelic Energy Healing Centre.
For all your Healing Needs
Courses Available.
Level 1 Pranic Energy Healing will train you in :
- Fundamentals of Pranic Energy Healing
- Provide you with a life-long tool to increase your Well-Being daily
- Allow you to change your life through The Understanding of Energy
- How to feel and sense where "Energy Blockages are located and how to remove them
- How to project Vital Life Force Energy and much much more.
- Course dates: Saturday July27 th 2024, 10am until 5 pm & continuing Sunday July 28 th 2024 10am until 5pm.
Energetic Defense: Level 4.
Pre- Requisite. Level 2.
* Learn to apply 4 shields of varying colours for Protection.
* Learn to protect yourself from Injurious words, Psychic Attacks.
* Learn to program a crystal or other item for protection
* Become familiar with the skills needed to apply Subtle Energy within the Physical World.
* Learn to program eggs for Protection
Course date: To be advised. Pre- Requisite Pranic Energy Healing Level 2.
Course Dates: Saturday September 14 th 10am until 5pm 2024 and continuing Sunday September 15 th 10am until 1pm.
Limited places book today.
Crystal Healing Course Pranic Energy Healing Level 5.
*** This Exciting Course includes a pattern for the laying of crystals onto the body, also a pattern or mold for Absent or distant Crystal Healing ****
Crystals are Beautiful !
Crystals are Magnetic! Crystal are Living and Alive.
Crystals can Enhance your life!
Crystals can store, Direct, Enhance and Project various types of Subtle Energies _ to your body, your environment or for multiple other purposes.
Find out how to select the right Crystal based on the effect of it's size, Colours and Characteristics, and know how to make a choice.
Crystals may be used for Treating Clients, for performing absent treatments on clients, or Projects at a Distance, or they may 'hold' an Energetic Space in your garden, and may be used for multiple purposes.
- Increase your healing power by 200 times or more by using special crystals
- Quickly extract negative emotions and diseased energies from the aura and Energy Centers (chakras)
Learn how to Consecrate your Crystals - make your crystals more powerful by 1000% or more!
Use Crystals as protective amulets against psychic attacks -
Learn which ones really work!
Magical Rings - secret of magicians & Master Healers for
power, healing & prosperity
Scientifically use the Colour Pranic Energies of Colour
how to use Crystals for Rapid Healing
How to use special crystals to absorb & divert
psychic attack
Course dates; Saturday March 9th 10am until 5pm and continuing Sunday 10th 10am until 1pm
Pre ~ Requisite Level 2.
Mobile Healings Available
Bookings Essential :
Distant Healing Available; payment is required prior to healing;
Level 2
Pre- Requisite Level 1. Learn techniques to shorten your Healing time, and become a more effective healer. You will Learn to project coloured Prana to produce very rapid and powerful results for severe ailments like aids, cancer, stroke, Diabetes, Arthritis and more. Learn to more deeply understand that energy technology is not based on the movements of the hands. Learn to repidly find and shift energy imbalances for rapid transormation and revitalisation of the client's energy system. Become truly empowered to perform better in all areas of your life. Learn to accelerate healing and recovery.
Course Dates: Saturday August 3rd 10am until 5pm and Sunday August 4th 2024 , 10am until 5pm
I look forward to sharing these priceless teachings with you.
Level 3: Pre: Requisite Level 2.
This Level helps a Practitioner to understand how a person thinks and Feels.
* In this workshop you will learn how to Assess the Subtle Levels of a person's Energy Field.
* This Level will help you understand Fundamental differences between Energy Beings such as Thought Forms, Energy Entities and Elementals.
* This Level will allow you to grasp how a person thinks and feels or is affected by the presence of these Unwanted Energies.
* This Level will allow you to Assess advanced methods to Assess these Energies- as well as Obstructive Negative Thought Forms, Accumulated Negative and other Disruptive Energies.
* This Level will allow you to Assess advanced methods to Assess these Energies- as well as Obstructive Negative Thought Forms, Accumulated Negative and other Disruptive Energies.
Pre-Requisite; Level 2.
Date: Saturday August 31st 10 am until 5 pm and continuing Sunday September 1st 10 am until 2 pm 2022.
Distant Crystal Balance Healing Available: payment is required prior to treatment.
Phone: Colleen 0409 377 403
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