Angelic Energy Healing Centre.
Angelic Energy Healing Centre.
For all your Healing Needs
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Client Testimonials
*Following Chemotherapy I was unable to eat, had naseau and felt generally unwell; following 1 treatment I was able to eat the first meal in 2 weeks. My sleeping improved as well. I highly recommend Colleen. *
Beryl York 73 years.
I had blood clots in my lungs, Lung Cancer, and kidney cancer, after 1 month of regular treatments, the clots had disappeared, and the primary cancer shrunk by 1 mm. A.A. Bakers Hil
I was blocked and unable to paint, my thyroid was playing up and after 2 treatments the paint was virtually flowing onto the canvas. My thyroid function improved. R.W. Duncraig 40 years
* I found the treatment allowed me to release emotions stored in my body, amazing, relaxing, unbelievable. * Audrey Counsellor Nedlands 78 years.
Treatment for severe debilitating Arthritis. Patient was unable to leave the house, was in severe pain and walked with a frame. After 1 treatment, the patient reported less pain, felt relaxed and much lighter and was able to move freely and go shopping alone.
S.J. Mullaloo 87 years.
• Treatment for Herpes Zoster ( shingles). I was in severe pain from lesions under the bra area and on the stomach area. I had been informed by the doctor they would be more painful, and I would have more lessions. Following 1 treatment I was able to wear my underwire bra, and had less pain. Following 2 treatments the lesions began to disappear.
M.J. Midvale 57 years.
• Severe burn to 6 month old baby. Baby J was burned with a hot cappucino, the baby pulled the cappucino off the table and onto her lap. I did Pranic Healing distantly whilst the baby was placed in a cold water bath, after 20 minutes the babies cries began to lessen, after 30 minutes the site of the burn was pink in colour, and after 1 hour there was no mark and no blisters.
Baby J.B. 6 months old.
• During my healing session for stress I saw lots of beautiful colours, violets and blues, they were stunning. I felt so relaxed afterwards I just wanted to sleep.
J . Nedlands 42 years.
* Following the second surgery for brain tumours I was unable to take pain medications, due to side effects. Pranic Healing eased my pain and I felt more relaxed and looked forward to my treatment to ease my pain. *
Michael 25 years Nedlands
* Treatment to remove contamination after healing others. *
I Love Pranic Healing you can literally feel the stress or heaviness lift from your body
A.N Rockingham 40 yrs.
* I felt much lighter and enjoyed the treatments. I felt younger with less noticeable wrinkles following Crystal Facial Rejuvenation. *
Mary Midvale 57 years.
* I had a history of drug addiction, and have been clean for 3 years, however due to my history I now have a heart condition and mild depression, I felt I was stuck and unable to move forward, it seemed like I was just going in circles., and felt blocked. After 1 treatment I felt I was able to move forward, my mind was clearer and I felt like a new woman. Thank you Colleen so much. I am forever in your debt.
M.B. 52 Years West Swan.
* As a carer for my Dad who has Cancer and Mum who is ill and going to respite, I was overcome with emotion, and had difficulty letting go of a previous relationship. During the healing I felt something being removed or pulled out of my throat and stomach area. After the healing I felt much better, calmer, more in control of my emotions, and able to cope with caring for my parents. *
C.S. 38 years Melville.
* Following one treatment for stress, I was able to have a quieter mind, and was able to have deeper meditations, and more enjoyable and deeper meditations.
A.O. Mt Claremont
* After 1 treatment for Asthma and slight depression, I felt so light, I was floating, I felt my body and Chakras were opening up, I felt all of the stale energy coming out from my reading clients, Colleen also explained that she severed the cords from my clients. I feel so light Pranic Healing is amazing.
C.E. Thornlie 47 Years.
I have had difficulty falling pregnant after mis-carriages,so my Aunt suggesting seeing Colleen for a Pranic Healing to increase my chances of falling pregnant, after just 1 treatment I fell pregnant, I am so happy Thank you Colleen.
K. R. Ellenbrook 34 years.
I had recently left my job as a supervisor, and had residual environmental stress from my job, I had a treatment with Colleen and felt relaxed and a wave of wonderfulness came over me, later that night while sleeping I felt something coming out of my leg and leaving me, I had trouble with my knees and sciatic nerve, making walking difficult, after 1 treatment I walk about half a kilometer and back, this was unbelievable, Colleen advised I had many 'releases' during my treatment, I had such a good result I returned for another treatment, which was equally amazing, Thank you Thank you.
L.H. Ellenbrook. 58 years.
I have had an eye twitch and my mouth would curl up, it was so uncomfortable, I've had this for the past 20 years, and have tried many different modalities with no success, after 3 treatments, my twitch and mouth curl have gone, and I feel an improvement. P.V. Kingsley Retired.
*Distant Pranic Healing .
* Client has Multiple Myloma which had penetrated her nerve cells and was getting electric shocks through her body - she also had a lung infection as well as the blood cancer as a result the client was suicidal. I have treated the client for 5 months three times per week, she is free from infection, and the shocks ceased after a few treatments, she is now leading a more productive life. B's kidney function has raised by 2%
** Update, I am working on B once per week, as well as the Myloma, I am regenerating her kidneys, and when we began treatment, her kidney function was 14%, now her kidney function is 29%.
B.A. Scotland 65 years.
Distant Pranic Healing. *** Client had a toxic ex partner, and required a healing, to disconnect from him. " After the healing I felt black snakes coming out of my Solar Plexus. I definitely felt a disconnection from my ex, and I feel much better."
C.J. Melbourne. 37years.
Guided Meditation
After attending a meditation where we sat in a garden of flowers, I saw a purple Iris, when I got home I found my Late Mother's diary, so I turned to today's date and there was a purple Iris. Also we had a ride on a giant Butterfly, and when Colleen asked us to notice the colour, mine was pale yellow and it was my Mum, so I felt wonderful afterwards, as it was so lovely to connect with her again.
K.A. Beldon ***
After my healing I had less pain from my crumbling discs in my back, and my knees and shoulders were not sore, I was floating for hours after my healing.
G.K. Meridan